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Darkness Dwells Interview Live & 5 Star Review

It was announced last week that I got to sit down with Darkness Dwells Podcast for an interview. It has gone live now and you can find it here: Episode 40 - The Darkness Dwells Podcast. I do have to apologize for the way I sound in it, was getting over a cold and I even cough at one point, but colds can't get me down from doing what I love.

We talked Anne Rice, books, The Blasphemer Series: Maxwell Demon and the short that I'm going to have coming out very soon called Human Ouija. On the topic of Maxwell Demon, I got the beautiful gift of a 5 star review on it last night! I'm so happy to see fans are loving what I'm doing. It means alot when I'm told characters are well developed and books are done well. In the podcast with Darkness Dwells it's mentioned that this series is a 'life's work' and on a level it really is since I began developing ideas and charactars as a kid that have come to live in the series. Would be bad if I have spent all this time and things turned out crappy huh?

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