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A Behind-the-Scenes: Maxwell Demon Pt. 2


Maxwell Demon

Part 2


To continue the behind-the-scenes series of posts I’ve begun, I introduce part 2 of the Behind-the-Scenes: Maxwell Demon. In the first part, I shared and excerpt of the raw manuscript that never saw the day of light, the scrapped beginning of Maxwell Demon. Now I’m going to share with you other details that I had written, but deleted so I have no excerpts to share.

Deleted Scenes

In the book, the published work, there is a scene that’s dramatic of Adele being shown her past through what Maxwell had seen, but this scene was originally written earlier in the manuscript and took place in the backroom of the bar she was working and where Maxwell found her. It was so traumatic to her to be shown so much history, lives, and things that a human’s mind is not complex enough to understand it caused her nose to bleed.

Another scene that not only didn’t make it, but altered an entire character was one that involved Yeqon. He’s a manipulative character, but I couldn’t help but rewrite him as compassionate as well. A scene that got deleted was that of him battling Maxwell on the road. The final product as Kokabiel doing this, this is what felt right instead of Yeqon. Yeqon’s influence over others led, in the original scene, him glamouring other demons, not his own minions, to do things against their will.

Removed completely was Maxwell finding Adele in Hollywood, she originally had an apartment down the street from a bar she worked at. After the nosebleed and her sharing that she had felt followed with Maxwell he escorts her home so that she can gather things before they start traveling toward The Bishop’s home. Upon arriving at her apartment, Adele finds the door ajar, and her apartment is how she left it except a wooden box holding something very special to her was taken. Also upon entering,

Maxwell sees for a moment, Adele doesn’t see this, a shadowy demonic creature jumping out of the window. Adele shuts this window believing that she had forgotten it to close it before she left for work earlier in the evening.

Though I liked this scene, writing it was smooth, it began leading myself and characters into a direction plot-wise I hadn’t prepared for. I have planned on in future works that involve Adele talking about her apartment, but in this book I didn’t want it and it gave her a softer feeling that I felt was better after she had relaxed. It didn’t make sense to me to have her soft then hard after a life of running from demons that she had always felt there. I wanted her more experienced when he met her as well. Plus, I found the final product of them meeting more in balance than the scene that was originally written.

Fun Facts

Adele’s original name was Eliza.

Gabriel wasn’t originally planned to be in the series.


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