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Author on Author: Event Script

Author on Author Live Event Script :: 8/12/2015 7-8pm est

For those that missed the event, here's what went down!

LBachman What exactly would you call your genre?

Rissa Post Apocalypse with a paranormal twist

LBachman With some interesting love scenes.

LBachman For those that don’t know who you are, what would you like them to know?

Rissa Bingo! I cross genres.

Rissa I’m an introvert. It's so easy to talk to people here, but I the shy girl until you get to know me. Then all gloves are off.

LBachman I think that can be applied to many of us writers across the board.

LBachman You're amongst friends here!

Rissa We're a species of our own.

LBachman I couldn't agree more.

LBachman So let's dive right into it. What can you share about your latest book?

Rissa We are highly misunderstood creatures. The only truth is our caffeine addiction.

Rissa Blind Faith is set to be released before the end of the year. By far, I feel this is my best work yet. I've worked really hard at working on my craft.

Rissa I am pleased that my beta readers had just the reaction I expected.

LBachman Interesting. How did you go about honing your craft?

Rissa Using tips that my editor gives me, seeing how others elevate their writing, and reading. Reading is so important for a writer.

LBachman That's another thing that seems to be in the realm of being a writer; we're some of the most voracious readers as well. Just can't get enough.

Rissa I spent the day devouring The Bourbon Kings from JR Ward. I'm not finished yet, but wow... I'm in love with it.

LBachman Welcome those that are joining us! We have Rissa Blakeley live!

LBachman If you want to share a link, please do.

LBachman What inspired this latest book?

Rissa Well, the latest is the fourth in the series. But I am working on something on the side. I won't say too much about it yet.

LBachman Whoa...a side project...You know I just have to know I need to have at least something small on that.

Rissa Okay, let's say... a warrior-style female who kicks ass and takes names. How about that?

LBachman :breathes: I'm good, how about you guests? Is that enough for now?

LBachman How did you come about the series?

Rissa I try not to share too much of my raw work because #1 its raw and #2 it may change significantly.

Rissa The Shattered Lives series started as a quick idea that kept playing on repeat in my head

LBachman I've done that in my own works. Little nuggets that morph and change from a gold nugget into a gem.

Rissa It wouldn't go away and I just had to get it down on 'paper'. It has blossomed quite a bit.

Rissa Exactly

LBachman What type of research did you have to do to prepare for the series?

Rissa I'm a pantser. So any research (guns, chat with surgeons and nurses) happens in the moment. I don't necessarily prepare for anything at the start.

Rissa Although, I feel like I am writing this new warrior female in order, which in itself is very odd for me.

LBachman What's your usual process then? Just kinda go with the flow?

Rissa I wrote the very end of the Shattered Lives series about a year and a half ago.

Rissa Yes. There is no method to my madness. I just listen to the Rice Krispies.

Rissa Any Militia members are probably growling in anger right now over the mention of the RKs.

Treena Rice Krispies have a lot to say

LBachman Ya know, I heard that J.K. Rowling had done something similar for the Harry Potter Series. Is it like a goal to work toward?

LBachman Welcome Treena

Treena Hi there so happy to be here

Rissa I wouldn't say a goal. There is so much involved. I am following one basic rule: Write, Publish, Repeat.

Rissa Hi Treena!!! Got your bells on? Are you shaking it?

Srphilipsen I made it [wink]

Treena I was just catching up and I am excited about the new WIP

Rissa The PA has arrived!

LBachman It's very sound advice. While we're on the topic of advice.

Treena Shakin' it baby!!!

LBachman Any advice for writers fighting publishing nerves? Anything for newbies to the business?

Treena Hi Stephanie

LBachman Hey there! Welcome.

Srphilipsen Hey there !!

Rissa Just do it. Yes, it's nerve-wracking and we all get crazy over it. I've literally been sick to my stomach over it. But just do it. Be brave and hit the ***** publish button. Always know that someone will loathe it, but many will love it.

Rissa It censored me!

Rissa Hey MR!

MichRabe Heya. And Boo censorship!

Rissa Yeah!!! *thumbs down*

TheBoss Hey, y'all. Just popping in to say hi since I don't have to cook dinner!

Rissa Just pour the wine dang it!

LBachman While Rissa is typing; don't forget to check out the links to the side. Sign up for the newsletters! You can buy all the books shown at the side now.

LBachman Welcome!!! If ya'll have issues refreshing the browser does help.

Rissa I've read Maxwell Demon. Great read!

LBachman Thanks. :blush:

MichRabe It's my next read

LBachman Yay!

Rissa I think you will like it!

LBachman Rissa, is The Boss...THE BOSS?

Treena I want to read Maxwell Demon

Rissa Yep!

Rissa He has arrived.

Treena lol cracks me up TheBoss

Srphilipsen The boss is awesome!

Rissa His tag for the Carolina signing with say 'The Boss'.

LBachman It's an honor.

TheBoss Hey, LBachman. Pleased to meet you

LBachman When do you find yourself writing the most?

Rissa Someone has to keep me inline... although they ALL failed in Destin. Just saying...

Rissa During the daytime.

LBachman What keeps you motivated when you write?

Rissa When readers message me. I love hearing from my readers good or bad.

Srphilipsen [wink] Destin was epic

Rissa LOL I'm bringing the limes and jalapenos next time!

Rissa Oh wait... no limes.

LBachman Fun question time: Good book with coffee or good review and never having coffee again?

Rissa Always choose coffee, unless there's wine. Then wine. But, yeah... coffee.

LBachman Lol.

Rissa PS. I do want reviews.

LBachman Now I'm curious what you carry around with you. I got this image of a black bag, big bottle of wine, and merch.

Srphilipsen Coffee first so you have a wine cup for after

Rissa LOL SRP!

TheBoss She just got a new purse... but not black

Rissa I carry nothing but hopes and dreams. Okay that was lame... a small purse with the essentials. No wine. Open container laws and such...

Rissa It's blue.

LBachman As a writer I know it's common for us to have those doubts, wondering if a scene is really funny or just funny so on. How do you overcome these moments?

LBachman just funny to us*

Rissa Well, I usually piss and moan to my other writer friends. We lift each other up. Then I just write and try to push through the 'everything reads like crap' thing.

Rissa I always ask my beta readers for their emotional responses to my work. Some notations make me laugh.

TheBoss helps to have an Alpha reader too, yeah?

LBachman When you're looking for a beta reader, what do you look for in them. What do you ask for besides an emotional response?

Rissa Absolutely

Rissa Content and flow. I don't look for editing. If something is bugging them, then yeah make the correction. I am mostly looking to make sure all plot holes are filled in, I get the emotional response I desire, and that the novel flows from start to finish.

Srphilipsen She likes to see how long it takes for us to send her nasty messages

Rissa LOL Truth!

Rissa I love the love/hate mail.

MichRabe She loves sharing our reactions with her street team

Rissa LOL I do! I do get quite the giggle out of ugly crying in first class on the plane.

MichRabe Hey I share that all over

Treena She has an awesome street team

LBachman I saw that message about an ugly cry. lol

Rissa The BEST. #MilitiaPowered

LBachman As an author that does events, what is your favorite type?

Rissa There has been many ugly cry messages.

Rissa I love any event that there are new readers to engage and draw in.

Rissa Okay so any reader... I'm not choosy.

LBachman What’s the funniest thing that ever happened at a signing?

Rissa Let's just say that I've broken up with Jose Cuervo.

Treena lol

LBachman Oh you have got to share the story. lol

Rissa I can't remember most of it. LOL

LBachman lol

LBachman Earlier, you mentioned a writer. Are they you're favorite?If not who is?

Rissa This was the after party.

Treena and now everyone's imagination is running wild

LBachman You're right Treena

Rissa For large press, JR Ward. For Indie, Brenda Tetreault and Michelle Rabe. I just love their style. Their books are different, and I highly recommend them!

LBachman I have taken a glance their way. They do indeed have a style of their own that I enjoy.

LBachman You're indie now, but would you ever go traditional?

Treena I agree

Rissa Absolutely. My logo says 'Read Different Be Different' and I absolutely follow that guideline.

LBachman Any fond memories you’d like to share as an author?

Rissa Well, I doubt any traditional would ever want this wild card (I'm a PR nightmare *sips more wine*) I love being in control of everything. If traditional ever comes my way, I may entertain it.

Treena ya she is a bit of a nightmare but love her so

Rissa I had a reader come to me and say how much my books mean to her. So much that she wants to tattoo a quote from Broken Dreams. I mean... jaw dropping moment. Someone actually wants my words on her body for ever. Humbling.

Rissa LOL Treena!

LBachman Oh wow! That is some true love right there. What were the words she wanted?

Rissa "I love you whole, and I love you broken." It's a quote that sums up this series.

LBachman Those are beautiful.

LBachman Do you know if she ever got them?

Treena best quote I have come across in a long time

Rissa It means so much to the main characters, Elaina and Henry.

MichRabe Awesome quote

Rissa Not yet. She is waiting for the Carolina Book Fest, so she can have the words hand written by me. She wants it in my handwriting.

Rissa Thanks all!

MichRabe That's too cool

Treena OMG that is so cool what a great experience for an author and reader to share

Rissa Yeah, I'm still blown away by it.

MichRabe Hopefully your handwriting doesn't suck like mine

Rissa I have it written out a few times for her to take to the tattoo artist.

MichRabe Nice

LBachman Do you have any favorite characters you've created?

Rissa It's not awesome! LOL I sent a picture.

Rissa With out a doubt, it would be Gunther Erikkson. I love his arc. From unadulterated debauchery to a loving, caring man who will stop at nothing to help the ones he loves.

LBachman For the last few minutes of this event, I'm going to open it up to anyone who would like to ask her some questions they're having.

Rissa I'm ready for anything... maybe.

MichRabe Do you think you'll release your side project before the end of Shattered Lives?

TheBoss Would you pass the salt?

Treena Do you have any idea how many more books there will be in the SL series?

Rissa Hmm... Good question. Maybe. It depends on how it goes.

Rissa There is a total of six full length novels in the SL series. There is a possibility of one or two novellas to wrap a few characters up.

Treena since TheBoss is not cooking dinner what are you having to eat

LBachman I wanna thank everyone that showed up

MichRabe Are the Rice Krispies chatty?

Rissa Chinese take out! Which is hysterical for us, because we rarely eat out. I'm having... pork fried rice, General Tso's chicken extra spicy and beef with peppers!

Rissa The RKs are always chit chatting!

Thank you so much to Rissa Blakeley for being my first guest for this new event!!!

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