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Mark Your Calendars - August 7th 2015

August 7th 2015, this is an important because the release of Maxwell Demon occurs! Pre-ordering will end and those that pre-ordered will be automatically sent on this day. To celebrate the release of this book into the interwebs I decided what's better than and a party with everyone? Not only a party, but one where those that attend win prizes! I've invited some of my author buddies to join in and share with those that come a bit about themselves, their own works, and even giveaway things if they wanted. Guess what happened? Many things are going to be given away by my friends. There is no losing if you love books like I do!

Event Line-up

The time of the event is set to central timezone.

Guest Authors: Michelle Rabe @ 6:00pm - Giveaway let's do a Kindle copy of Cast in Blood or Forged in Flame, Winner's choice. Brenda Tetreault @ 6:30pm - Giving away an autographed bookmark and a kindle edition of ANY of her books! Freya LeCrow @ 7:00pm - It'll be a surprise ;) Jody Pardo @ 7:30pm -Amazon's GC's and ebooks A.s. Winchester @ 8:00pm - Giving away a free signed copy of Terra: Genesis(newly released). 2 Ebook copies are going to be given away of this book as well! Rissa Blakeley @ 8:30pm - Doing a giveaway of prizes during her time. L. Bachman @ 9:00pm - Will be doing Paperback cover of Maxwell Demon reveal, giving away bookmarks and other goodies!! If winners are local, they get winnings in person!(Limited to Decatur area.) Lindy Spencer @ 9:30pm - Giving away a ebook copy of her book The Boomerang Effect.

If I wasn't already involved I'd find a way to make it to this celebration! Join me and my friends in the release of Maxwell Demon.

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