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Maxwell Demon Synopsis

Official Synopsis:

Enter into a world where magic exists among us, where Demons and Angels battle, where Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches have become allies, fighting alongside them. What side would you choose? Maxwell is a Fallen Angel on a mission to save the soul of Lilith, the first woman ever created. Lilith’s soul has been placed in a cycle of reincarnation until she realizes the depth of the crimes against humanity she committed while alive the first time. Saving her will save us all. Over and over, Maxwell has never been able to save her, always failing. This is her last incarnation, her last chance. It’s also his last chance to prove that all souls are redeemable. Twists, turns, and torment aren’t just for the wicked.


The FEATURED BOOK has now been changed to MAXWELL DEMON so that you can stay up to date on all things Maxwell Demon. As time goes by, this area will morph into an entire section for The Blasphemer Series. Go to the page to check out more information, the book trailer, and more.

Cover Reveal Event:

Since the ebook cover has been released for some time now, a reveal will be going on filled with fun for the paperback release. The paperback will be different for this book because I felt both images captured the image for the story.

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