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Bachman: I spotted you doing events in person, what's your favorite part of doing an event like that? Nicole: I love doing events! I absolutely love getting to know people! This past year I've met so many amazing people! Bachman: Take us through, if you don't mind, your writing process? Do you do an outline or freestyle it letting your characters tell you where they want to go? I've done both and they both seem to work well for me. My first book I just sat down and wrote. But since I've been working in a series I find now that I need to have an outline. I have bios on each of my characters too, just to keep them straight. I know the general idea of where the book is going but a lot of the book comes from just letting the words come as I type. The characters in my head are pretty loud and usually take me to places I never imagined the story to go. And I love it that way. Bachman: What has inspired Unavoidable Chance? Unavoidable Chance is so special to me! The female main character, Ava, is so like me. She's an over-thinker and her brain goes fifty different directions in a minute. That's so me! I had so much fun writing this book!! This book for me was a ten on the Kleenex scale to write too! I love when people contact me and tell me how their husband had to come into the room just to check on them because they were balling while reading my book! To be able to put so much emotion in words in a book is just so amazing! Bachman: Unavoidable Chance is the fifth installment in your Running into Love Series, please, if you don't mind, what inspired this series? Nicole: I'm not sure what inspired it, exactly. It just kind of hit me one day. A family who each sibling would in one way or another physically run into someone and begins this powerful, magical, journey together and ends up soul-mates. I didn't even know each siblings story yet until the end of the previous book. All of them were sort of this freight trail idea that literally hit me and my brain just ran with it. Bachman: When you begin writing a story, what helps you get into the mindset of one of your characters? What do you hope readers take away after reading one of your books? Nicole: I have a set goal for each day. I have to reread what I wrote the previous day before I can get going again. I love rereading to see where I was yesterday and I usually add in additional emotion or thoughts too. Something I hope everyone takes away from my books and this is what is in each of the stories...true love, no matter who you are or where you are in your life is possible. I honestly believe there is someone for everyone just waiting out there for that perfect moment. I'm a true romantic! I love happily ever afters! Through my digging, I realized you're a loving wife and mother. I always enjoy asking and learning how writers balance a family life and their writing lifestyle. Please, share with us how you do this? Is it hard for you? I'm so blessed to be a stay at home mom. My boys are older teenagers now, so I'm home alone during school days. I love to write in a quiet house, when no one is home. I usually don't do author related business after I pick up my boys from school or on the weekends. I feel like I wear multiple hats and it depends on what time of day it is which one I wear. Bachman: On your Amazon profile, it says that you were curious to write in romance because you'd fallen in love with the romance books you'd become a fan of. Are there any other genres you find yourself wanting to write in? Nicole: So far, no, I'm pretty stuck on romance. I'm a mushy gushy hearts and flowers kind of girl. Bachman: If you could collaborate on a book with another writer, who and why? Nicole: I'd love to collaborate on a book with other authors. I couldn't say who...that would be hard! Find her online: Website Facebook Amazon Author Profile Purchases: Take a Chance - Amazon I'll Take A Chance – Amazon Second Chance – Amazon A Fighting Chance – Amazon Unavoidable Chance – Amazon

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